Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The occupation of U.S. cities must continue until we break the backs of the banks.

It's amusing that FOX news and their ilk are saying that the protesters don't have a clear message, when to anyone but an idiot it's clear as day: wealth needs to be redistributed from the 1% haves to the 99% have nots. The mass unemployment of the 99% is a direct result of the 1% sitting on its ill-gotten gains. The banks are even adding insult to injury by adding fees for use of a debit card. That's right, folks: pay for the privilege of withdrawing your own money from the bank! What took them so long to think of this? It wasn't enough, apparently, to steal people's money obtained with sub-prime mortgages and invest it in guaranteed-to-lose operations. No, they have to pick our pockets at every opportunity.

They have no shame. They have no decency, no human kindness, no morals, and no soul.

Hell exists: it is here on earth and the banks and corporations are the devil.

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