Saturday, September 24, 2011

10 reasons to quit Facebook

1) Privacy issues. You really can't trust them.

2) It's a HUGE time waster.

3) I am not interested in 95% of the content.

4) Most of my friends are not really my friends.

5) Unlike MySpace, FB has not led to any gigs or CD sales.

6) I get annoyed by constant invites to other people's gigs. These people never come to my shows.

7) The constant bragging is repugnant.

8) Certain "friends" have me confused with someone who is actually interested in their pics with SO, cats, dogs, drumsets, peculiar tastes in music and literature.

9) At least an iPhone/iPad can be useful and TV entertaining (if you're going to waste time, you might as well be entertained.)

10) I have thus far resisted the urge to participate in Twitter or buy an iPhone or iPad. I CAN DO THIS.

However, it isn't clear whether it is even possible to quit FB. Some hard drive somewhere has an electronic dossier on you that can never be erased, or if it is, can easily be hacked into. And Google has even more on you than FB. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


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