Sunday, February 8, 2009


The eye: Better thanks to a Clockwork Orange-like procedure in which my left eyelids were held open for 4 min. while an electrode delivered steroid to my eyeball. Not pleasant but at least they didn't make me watch any violent films. I am now in a new study for this procedure and must check in once a week for a month. Supposed to get paid for this, too.
BF: His cancer treatment (chemo and rads) is supposed to start this Wed. but due to the fact that the app't is late in the day (3:15) and they have to draw blood and do other workups, he may not actually get the treatment until NEXT week. I am so fed up with the glacial pace of all this. We're talking CANCER here, folks--couldn't you just hurry it up a bit?
At least we now know that it has not spread to the liver (not stage 4) but the oncologist says it's stage 3A (not sure how he knows this. Obviously not as good as 1 or 2.

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